F131 Series float level switch
The features of water level switch
(1)Choice of normal open or normal close
(2)No standby power requirement.
(3)Customer can define activated distance, cable length and connector.
(4)Hermetically sealed, suit to tough environment and long life.
Working Theory:
When the float ball rises or falls with the liquid to the level of the switch, The magnetic force of magnet which inside of the float ball will cause the reed switch to turn ON. When the float ball move away from the reed switch, the reed switch will turn OFF.
The electronically characteristics of water level switch

More types of float switch:

Market leader of Lvdt sensor,Magnetostrictive linear position sensor,Liquid level controller/transmitters/switch,Capacitance position and level sensor,Ultrasonic displacement sensor/level meter for industrial,mobile and oil,gas,fuel markets.
Know more informations please visit our website: www.sowaysensor.com